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- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 08:25:47 -0500
- From: Chohan <chohan@ABTS.NET>
- Subject: [IML] QUEST: prejudice attribute
- Maybe I've been away from this too long. I go to spline ed(IMG_4.0 dos)
- and load and extrude a font (.psb)as a logo. After saving points the logo
- loads fine in detail ed but refuses to accept any attributes or textures.
- When I load the atts it seems to accept but the preview pic doesn't change.
- My ground textures and other objects render fine but the logo keeps coming
- up white. I reloaded a previous imagine version (3.0) and had the same prob
- so I have to be missing something here.
- I remember once extruding and animating a gold colored logo which funneled
- in from stage-left as particles to form up the words so it seems after
- almost 2 yrs of lost time I've grown rusty and forgot something simple.
- After checking faqs and both my manuals(2.0 & 3.0) I'm still noodle-scratchin'.
- Any ideas?
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 08:42:29 -0800
- From: Donald Fregeau <donald@HUMBOLDT1.COM>
- Check to make sure the font string imported into the detail editor from the
- spline editor is ungrouped and then joined. My guess is that you are
- applying attributes to a parent axis or maybe one object in the string.
- Usually the string is made up of several objects. One of these may be the
- axis you are applying attributes to.
- Regards
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 13:40:11 -0500
- From: Chohan <chohan@ABTS.NET>
- > My guess is that you are applying attributes to a parent axis or maybe one
- >object in the string.
- >Regards
- >Don
- Thanks for the assist Don.
- later.. cho
- ----------------------------------